Praying for the Families of the World without any distinction of Caste, Creed, Colour and Religion | A worldwide expression of GOD'S LOVE, CARE AND COMPASSION to the FAMILIES of the WORLD | SHARING GOD'S TRUTH, POWER, GLORY, HOLINESS, LOVE, CARE, AND COMPASSION TO THE FAMILIES OF THE WORLD. | Ministry among the Broken Hearted, Sick, Blind, Physically Challenged, Orphan, Fatherless, Widow, Prisoner, Destitute, Backward, Downtrodden, Poor and Needy FAMILIES

VISIT GOD’S FAMILY PRAYER CENTRE VELLORE which is near CMC Hospital and receive healing and deliverance from Almighty God

Total Activities


We do various kinds of spiritual activities among the Broken Hearted Sick, Blind, Physically Challenged, Orphan, Fatherless, Widow, Prisoner, Destitute, Backward, Downtrodden, Poor, Needy FAMILIES the WORLD those who are suffering with various kinds of problems and difficulties. Our spiritual activities are as follow.... regular Prayer, Fasting, Counseling, Evangelism, Follow-up, Discipleship, Teaching, Baptism, Church Planting Ministry, Prayer Tower Ministry, Literature Ministry, Media Ministry, Internet Ministry, Hospital Ministry, Prison Ministry, Children Ministry, Ministry among the Blind, Disabled, Orphan and Widow, Prayer Fellowships, Bible Study, Cottage Prayer Meeting, Wise Women Prayer Group, Gospel Camps, Discipleship Camps, Leadership Camps, Training Programs, Seminars, Healing Crusades, Revival Meetings, Prayer Festivals, Conventions and all kinds of Spiritual activities in all around our country; in order to reach the unreached PEOPLE and FAMILIES of the WORLD with the LIFE CHANGING GOSPEL and prepare them for THE SECOND COMING of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord Jesus Christ said "Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to every creature" (MK- 16:15).