I am Mrs. Christadasi Pani, D/O- Sri Alek Palo, was born and brought up in a very poor family in a village called Gumma which is located in Gajapati District of Odisha State of India, from my childhood I have gone through many pains, agonies, struggles, hardship, discouragement, harassment, countless sorrows and even lack of proper nutrition food, clothes and shelter. Since my childhood I was longing for good food, clothes and shelter; as saint Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 6:4-5 Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distress; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger. Likewise, I am well experienced in deep poverty, financial crises, fasting, reproaches, blame, shame, and mocking of own society people so on. I was living in a small house, where there was no electrify, bath room, toilet and drinking water facility. The river water which we use to bath and wash clothes, the same water we had to cook food and drink. My father was a daily labor and during that time he was getting just 5 rupees his wages in a day after doing hard works in whole day. That times morning 9 pm: he goes to daily wages (road construction works) and evening 6 p.m. he returns home. So, my mother every day waits for those 5 rupees to buy rice, daal and oil to cook food. Like that several years my parents lived in such pathetic and miserable conditions.
They lived socially and economically totally backward and destitute.Secondly, the family life of my parents also was in very worst conditions, because my father was a very cunning, very cruel and very very harden hearted person. He had no fear of GOD at all. He was such a person who never fears GOD nor regard man. He uses to follow and practices the divination, witchcraft and sorcerers, So due to his darkness life every day he was torturing to my mother like anything and treating her rudely and beating cruelly without any mercy, most of the times my father was beating my mother until she become senseless because of childless state, Every day my mother was going through the valley of the shadow of death and remained barren up to 11 years like Anna the mother of Prophet Samuel. My mother was waiting long times, days after days, months after months, and years after years to be blessed with the gift of child. In the midst of the tortures and persecutions mean while my mother was going through very deep pains and agony given by the family members (husband and in-laws).
Even the society people were use to say on the face of my mother that she is a barren and will never conceive and become a mother. Like that day by day my mother was going through the physically and mentally oppressed by the family and society and most of the days living without proper foods due to the reproaches of the own people and society. Still my mother she never gave off her faith from GOD. My mother was a very spiritual and anointed woman. In spite of too much physically and mentally tortures of my father, she used to trust in Jesus in all the moments, as long as my father was torturing my mother so as she was praying with fasting and shedding countless tears day and night; and the LORD was strengthening her to tolerate all the persecutions and tribulations in her life and made her strong in spiritual life. Even when my mother use to kneel down and pray that time also without any reason my father beats her mercilessly, my father use to beat my mother until she became senseless, like that day by day my mother was going through deep tribulations.
Even though the life was full of sorrows and agonies yet my mother was taking regular fasting 3 days in a week to have the blessing of child, One day my mother made a vow to the LORD saying LORD, nothing is impossible with you, so give me a child then I will dedicate my child for your kingdom and righteousness, and I will teach your ordinance and statutes, he/she will serve you by comforting the broken hearted people and lifelong he/she will do the ministry and he/she will pray for many barren women those who are living without child. So, LORD if You will give me son then I will name him CHRISTADAS (MALE SERVANT OF CHRIST) OR if You will give me daughter then I will name her CHRISTADASI (LADY SERVANT OF CHRIST).
Like that my mother took an oath and promised in the feet of the LORD in prayers. According to the fervent and tears full prayers of my mother the LORD has been so gracious and answered through the divine vision and told that I the LORD your God saw yours tears and heard your prayers; very soon you will conceive and give birth to a daughter and according to your promise made before me, you will call her ‘CHRISTADASI’ and she will dedicate her whole life for my kingdom and righteousness. I will lead her and use her in a mighty way by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and many barren women will be blessed with children, many sick people will be healed, many devil possessed people will be delivered from the bondages of devil spirit and many broken-hearted people will be comforted, many families those who are in the midst of bondages of the evil spirit and various kinds of difficulties and problems will be received deliverance through her prayers. According to the divine vision and the appointed time of the Almighty LORD, my mother gave birth to me and named me CHRISTADASI (LADY SERVANT OF CHRIST).
Like that in the midst of deep poverty I was born. And even after my birth my father’s characters remained same and most of the times, he uses to beat my mother ruthlessly by listening false accusations of his parents and sisters. There was no peace of mind in the family, always financial crises, sickness, mentally disturbance, misunderstandings, and reproaches of neighbors, own people and even society so on various kinds of darkness situations. Most of the times I was thinking why GOD made me in this family, where there is no peace, joy, happiness, love of GOD and blessings? Like this manner my life was going on and I was growing day by day with the grace of GOD. Those darkness situations made me to know the pains and agonies of the people and families and gave me a great experience in life to understand the sorrows of the people and families those who are undergoing through such kinds of situations. The Saint Paul says in 2nd Timothy 1:12 “that is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day. And the Holy bible says again, “Brothers and Sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. The Saint Peter says, dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoicing inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed (1st Peter 4:12,13).
When I was at the age of 12 years, on dated 20-03-2000 while sitting in the family prayers along with my mother and younger sisters in our house at evening 7 p.m. suddenly I saw a divine vision that the heaven are opened and a voice came from heaven saying I have chosen you and I will dwell in your heart then after I saw that the Hole Spirit flying on the sky and coming towards me and descended upon me and when the Holy Spirit landed on me I started speaking different languages, different kind of prophecy about my family members, relatives and neighbor and praising GOD and praying continuously. But unfortunately, my father afraid and surprised and confused about me and called many of our neighbors discussing with them saying that a 12 years small girl how could be possible to speak prophecy and different languages.
Because my father he was not believing the power of the Holy Spirit and even he was never seating in the family prayers; so, he made confusions and discussing with some of our neighbors. And they too got totally confused about me and our relatives and society people also confused and told so many negative things that someone has done witch craft against me and I lost my conscious and became mad; and even that times my father went to different places and asked many sorcerers those who does witch craft and divinations to know about me. Like that many of our village people are also criticized about me. As long as people criticize about me so as I grew up in spiritually with the power of the Holy Spirit by speaking tongues and prophecy in prayer. At the same time many people they came to me in order to test my divine power by asking me to pray and even my church elders called me in to the church and tested me. As Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested Him by asking Him to show them a sign from heaven (Matthew 15:19, 19:3, Mark 10:2).
But whenever I prayed for them, I started speaking prophecy as well as about their past and future life. And many sick people came to me for prayer, when I was praying for the sick people the LORD was doing miraculous healing to them, during that period I applied to our church for Baptism but they refused to give me baptism, because they told how we should give the baptism to a 12 years young girl? But after few days when they saw many signs and wonders the Almighty Lord is performing through my prayers; then our church people they had a special Church Board Meeting regarding me, and decided to give me baptism and I took the baptism in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. After my baptism the people those who were criticizing about me, they believed to me and told that really, I have the encounter with the LORD and received the Holy Spirit and the Almighty Lord is doing many signs and wonders through me. After my baptism our church they requested me to preach the word of GOD in every week in the church service, fasting prayer and women’s fellowship; and after hearing my messages people from different village and area coming to me every day for prayer and counseling; like that every day more than 30-40 people used to come to me for prayer, each and every person those who were coming to me for prayers the LORD has been doing the miracles in their lives, like that since those days till now I am living in prayers and fasting for the broken hearted people; and the LORD is using me miraculously for his kingdom.
Therefore, according to the divine vision given by GOD I started my own ministry in our tribal area of Odisha State and was doing prophetical and healing ministries in various places of Odisha State during my ministry in Odisha State I underwent many struggles, hardships, discouragements, harassments, reproaches, criticisms and persecutions. I built my ministry with pains and sorrows and most of the times underwent financial crises and day and night with prayer and fasting by shedding countless tears in the feet of the Lord I sacrificed myself for the kingdom of the LORD as the Saint Paul says in Roman 8:35 “who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” And also in 2nd Corinthians 12:10 he says, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Like these manners the lord tested me in furnace of fire and made me strong in spiritual power and anointing, day by day grew up in the knowledge and wisdom of God and in prophetical anointing by the blessings of the Holy Spirit; as many sick people being blessed with divine healing, many evils possessed people being delivered from the witchcraft and tormenting of the evil spirits and many families blessed with gifts of child through my prayer and fasting. The HOLY SPIRIT started to perform many signs and wonders through my prayers and each and every day many Broken-Hearted people and Families are being blessed and received healing, deliverance, anointing, prophesy and miracles.
But the plan of the Almighty GOD was very wonderful because during my ministry life my parents and my relatives brought many good marriage proposals for me and when I prayed over them the Holy Spirit refused me clearly and saying do not agree about all these proposals, for I have a special plan in your life; so, wait in prayer and fasting. Like these many marriage proposals, I refused according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Even one of my younger sisters she got married before me, yet the Lord not permitted me to get married.
Few months later suddenly through one of my relatives I got a surprised marriage proposal from Pastor Pranaya Ranjan Pani and when I prayed with fasting after few days the Holy Spirit told me in vision to agree about the marriage proposal of Pastor Pranaya Ranjan Pani. And as per the divine plan and will of God I and Pastor Pranaya Ranjan Pani got married with Holy Matrimony. After our marriage I and Pastor Pranaya Ranjan Pani together started Healing and prophetical ministry and till now we are doing ministry among the broken- hearted people and families of the World.
I came to Vellore city of Tamilndau along with my loving husband and involved in the ministry of my husband and day and night with prayers, fasting and tears waiting in the feet of the Lord to have own ministry, So we waited 5 years in the feet of the LORD with countless tears in prayers and fasting; and according to the plan and the appointed time of the Almighty LORD the Holy Spirit said, saying now start your own ministry namely “GOD’S FAMILY”. Therefore, after hearing the name from the Holy Spirit in divine vision, we registered “GODS’ FAMILY” religious Trust in Vellore on dated 06-01-2016. And till date continuously in the vineyard of the LORD Almighty, in order to prepare the FAMILIES of the WORLD for the second coming of the LORD Jesus Christ. Amen !
My God is awesome and wonderful; HIS plans are beyond the knowledge and imagination of all mankind. All glory to him alone.
Daily we pray with burden and fasting for brokenhearted families worldwide. Share requests with GOD’S FAMILY Prayer Tower for comfort, miracles.