Sharing, GOD’S Truth, Power, Glory, Love, Care, Compassion, Healing, Anointing, Deliverance, Prophecy, Miracle, Divine Comfort and all kinds of Heavenly Blessings of the Almighty GOD to the PEOPLE AND FAMILIES of the World through WhatsApp WhatsApp/Telegram communication media.
We know that in this present World the WhatsApp/Telegram is the top most, popular, famous and easy communication media which connect the Friends, Colleague, Relatives and Families with each other from all over the World.
So, each and every day hundreds of Broken-Hearted PEOPLE AND FAMILIES from various parts of the World contact us and share prayer requests through WhatsApp. According to the prayer requests of the PEOPLE AND FAMILIES we uphold in our daily prayers and regular fasting.
The Almighty GOD does miracles in the life of the Broken-Hearted PEOPLE AND FAMILIES as per the faith of the people. Each and every day people get Healing, Anointing, Deliverance, Prophecy, Miracle, Divine Comfort and all kinds of Heavenly Blessings.
Therefore, we would like to encourage you that kindly contact with us through WhatsApp/Telegram and share your PRAYER REQUEST to GOD’S FAMILY PRAYER TOWER, Vellore, Tamilnadu State of India. We always ready to receive your PRAYER REQUEST through WhatsApp and reply you soon as much as possible. Kindly note it that your PRAYER REQUEST will be written down in our daily chain prayer note for regular prayer and fasting. Amen !
Powerful Prayer Support, Spiritual Counselling, Spiritual Guidance, Baby Blessing, Healing, Anointing, Deliverance, Prophecy, Miracle, Divine Peace and Heavenly Blessings …..