
The Living Testimony of Second Life

Dearest in Christ, I am Pranaya Ranjan Pani (Missionary), native of Odisha State would like to share my wonderful testimony for the glory of GOD. Kindly feel free yourself few minutes and go through it….. The Lord will speak to you through the living testimony of my second life.

In the year of 1995, I have been saved and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and was fully dedicated my life in the years of 2000 for GOD’S kingdom and was doing the ministry works all around Odisha State among the Helpless and needy Blind people. Day and night with fervent prayers and fasting I was visiting different remote villages, tribal areas, towns and cities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. But suddenly on dated 23rd of August 2008 years my loving and righteous GOD the ALMIGHTY LORD permitted a great affliction to me and caused me to be affected by a chronicle diseases like malaria, typhoid, jaundice, stone in gallbladder, abdomen pains, dysfunction of spleen and sickle cell thalassemia so on at a time. More than three months I was under the treatment in different hospitals in Odisha State, yet I didn’t get cure. I was unable to walk and unable to speak and more than three months I became bedridden. I spent thousands of rupees for my treatment, still there was no any improvement in my physical body and I was about to die.

When I and my family members lost the hope about my sickness, at that time my family was told and suggested about CMC (Christian Medical College and Hospital) Vellore by some of my missionary friends.

And finally, by the grace of GOD I was brought to CMC HOSPITAL Vellore. By trusting in GOD my family brought me to CMC HOSPITAL Vellore and admitted (CMC Hospital No. 325321D) me in Hematology department and after few day I was shifted to surgical department. The plan of the Almighty GOD concerning me was so amazing and as great as HE didn’t allow death in my life even though I was at the point of death. I was in CMC HOSPITAL Vellore more than four months and during those times I had no sufficient money and even not more than 5,000/- (five thousand rupees) in my hands.

During my treatment in CMC HOSPITAL Vellore I had very very great financial crises, even there was no sufficient money for food and accommodation, like that I suffered lot and lot due to lack of finance. But my GOD the LORD of Heaven and Earth the one who supplies all the needs of every living creature, miraculously opened the heart of HIS loving children of Vellore. Many doctors, nurses of CMC HOSPITAL and even many believers of Vellore moved with compassion and extended helping hands towards my treatment. All my medical expenses as well as food and accommodations were met by GOD’S people of Vellore and especially by the CMC HOSPITAL doctors, nurses and staffs, even the doctor namely Dr. Sudhakar Chandran (Surgen) the one who did the treatment to me, spent thousands of rupees from his own pocket for my sake. The love, care, prayer and financial supports of CMC HOSPITAL’S staff I can’t explain as it was so great and unspeakable, I boldly say that it was the real love of Christ.

Like that according to the will of GOD, finally I under went through major surgery and my spleen and gallbladder was removed. But only by the wonderful, uncountable, unexplainable, incomparable and unimaginable grace of my JESUS CHRIST my treatment was going on in CMC HOSPITAL. Like this manner I was going through deep tribulation and by the wonderful power of my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ; and only by the love, fervent prayers and supports of many servants of GOD; I came out from the death and got NEW LIFE. My GOD testified that my sickness was not for the death; but only for HIS glory, so that I can be witness for HIM and I could share the great and outstanding testimony of my life to the World. Really the plan of the Almighty GOD was very wonderful and beyond my knowledge and wisdom; It was out of my imagination and thoughts; It was so marvelous as the LORD revealed HIS secrete plans to me through divine vision. For during my treatment in CMC HOSPITAL many times with full of tears and sorrows I was asking GOD again and again saying, LORD why you caused me illness and brought me to CMC HOSPITAL? LORD why are You dealing with me through this miserable condition? LORD You know that I am belong to a poor family and a very poor missionary, yet why You brought such kinds of darkness situation in my life as I am helpless and needy here in this place and suffering with diseases and financial crises? Like these so many negative questions I used to ask GOD due to my sickness and deep financial crises.

Many times, I asked GOD and saying LORD please takes me away, I do not want to live. But our LORD is so gracious, so loving and HIS loving-kindness is better than life. While I was in hospital bed of CMC HOSPITAL surgical ward P3, the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me through divine vision saying, do you know the reason that I made you sick and brought to CMC hospital? The LORD said to me, do you know there are thousands of broken-hearted sick people suffering with various kinds of chronic diseases and each and every day come to this CMC HOSPITAL? Such people need My love and divine comfort; they need Jesus Christ to have deliverance from all their afflictions. This is the reason I made you sick and brought you to CMC HOSPITAL that you could feel their pains and agony and understand their tears and broken heart. As the Holy Bible says HE comforts us in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by GOD. (2ND Cor 1:4).

The LORD clearly told me saying, the days to come I will bring you back to this place (VELLORE) and you shall be a divine comfort to many broken-hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES. The LORD said, at present you are a patient of this CMC HOSPITAL Vellore, but the day is coming soon, you will come back to this place and will pray for these kinds of patients and will serve them and comfort them through my divine love. When the treatment was over; I went back to my native place Odisha State and according to the promise of GOD Day and night waiting in the feet of the LORD in prayer and fasting for the appointment time of GOD, to come Vellore, Tamilnadu and to do the ministry among the sick people. And 2 YEARS LATER; in the year of 2010 the month of November the Almighty LORD spoke to me through divine vision and saying, go to the land which I promised you in 2008 years. Go and serve the broken-hearted sick PEOPLE and FAMILIES. So, in the year 2010, in order to obey the commandment of the Almighty LORD; I came to VELLORE and started my independent ministry. When I came to Vellore city that time I had no any idea about Vellore City, the Tamil language and even I had no any relatives, friends; also I had no any idea, where to go, where to stay, how to live without any support, the People, Place, Vellore city and the Tamilnadu State as well as South India it was totally unknown to me; yet by trusting in the LORD I left my father’s house hold, relatives, and family and came to Vellore city in order to obey the commandment of the Almighty GOD. As like Abraham, we see in Genesis 12 chapter, when the Almighty GOD said to Abraham saying, Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. The beloved and righteous servant of living the Abrham obeyed GOD’S commandment and left behind his people, relatives, and father’s house hold and went along with his beloved wife Sarah to the unknown land/country without knowing anything about the country (Canaan). The Holy Bible says that Abraham he was foreigner/stranger in that country and he had gone through many difficulties and problems, still he lived in that unknown country and glorified GOD. So, like this manner I came to Vellore Tamilnadu which was foreign land to me. It was so amazing and beyond my imagination, as there was no any single person to support me in financially, even there was no any single known person to me to give me a glass of cold water. I was living in Vellore and was visiting many places of Tamilnadu from Chennai to Kanyakumari like many places without any single rupees support from any anywhere. Days and nights I was travelling different villages, towns and cities and was sharing my living witness, preaching the Gospel and praying for the PEOPLE AND FAMILIES. Most of the times, during nights I use to take rest in the public place like bus stand, rail way station, guest house and lodge etc.

Every night I was praying with fasting and tears without proper food and drinks. Even some times I was longing for a cup of tea and coffee. Still I was visiting different churches, prayer meetings, pastors’ meetings, seminars, according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But by the unspeakable grace of GOD; Wherever I went, often there were some local pastors, missionaries use to become my friend and quite often they were providing me lunch, breakfast, dinner, travel fare, pocket money etc. Like this manner slowly slowly day by day many pastors, missionaries, believers and some spiritual families of VELLORE city came to know about me and they started giving love offerings like pocket money and even government rice (1 rupee rice), cooking oil, kerosene, daal, wheat as token of the love of Christ. Like that fully one year (each and every day) I had gone through hardship, tribulations, reproaches, disgrace, and without proper food and shelter living in Vellore city. Several days even my little children were living without proper food and cloths.

As Jesus Christ said “In the World you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the World.” (Jn 16:33). And the Holy Bible says, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of GOD (Act 14:22). For the Saint Paul says, In everything we do, we show that we are true ministers of GOD. We patiently endure troubles and hardships and calamities of every kind. (2nd Cor 6:4). Here again the Lord Jesus said, “then He lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of GOD. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. (Lk 6:20,21). The times it were very very difficult to me and to my family, so in the course of time one particular day (05-09-2011) I asked GOD and saying LORD please put me in any ministry organization and gives me a shelter at least for 4 years, to gain some knowledge and to have the experience about the ministry in South India; and after 4 years You can separate me from that particular ministry organization and open the way to start my own ministry to serve the broken hearted SICK people in Tamilnadu and as well as South India.

Exactly the that very same day miraculously and suddenly some certain leaders of one particular ministry organization met me by the road side ( In new bus stand Vellore) and requested me to join immediately in their ministry organization as contract basis. At that same times the Holy Spirit spoke to me to do the ministry works through that particular organization for certain periods. According to the divine words of the Holy Spirit; that very next day (06-09-2011) I joined in that particular organization as contract basic. Since that day through the help of that particular ministry organization I was reaching many SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES all around CMC HOSPITAL and served the LORD sincerely by shedding countless tears with regular prayer and fasting. But again, there was a will of GOD for me to suffer in various ways.

Even after joining in that particular organization; I had to gone through many difficulties, problems, reproaches, disgraces, oppressed, underestimate, domination, mentally harassments, ridicules, criticism, backbiting, misbehave, deceive, ingratitude, offends, spitefulness, cunningness so on various kinds of painful discouragements behaviors by some of the coworkers and ungodly people. Since the years of 2011 continuously day and night with prayers and fasting I was asking GOD to help me to start my own ministry organization, then the LORD said, saying pray day and night and wait until My appointed time comes, the days to come you will have your own ministry, especially to serve the broken-hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES those who are coming to CMC HOSPITAL VELLORE. Like these manners; the almighty GOD was leading me through tribulations. As the king David says in Psalms 23:4 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Day and night with countless tears in prayers and fasting; I and my wife and my little children waited complete ‘4’ years in the feet of the LORD. When I was working in that particular organization as contract basic, I was getting 10,000/- (Ten thousands rupees as wages) and surviving with my wife and 4 children, even though it was very difficult to maintain the family with that 10,000/- rupees by living in a rented house; many time no money to pay the electricity bills, waters bills, cooking gas, school fees of my children and even to take the children to the hospital while children became sick etc. So many financial difficulties, still the LORD have been my shelter and provider of my all-basic needs. The LORD of Heaven and Earth the one who supplied all the needs of Abraham in that unknown land (Canaan) has been supplying the basic needs of my family as well as the basic needs to do the ministry for his glory.

In the year of 2016 that particular ministry organization in which I was working as contract basic told me saying, we want to stop your contract period, so go out from our organization, and now you are no longer to be our staff. So go your ways and find your new job and shelter and be happy ! ! ! Like this manner without any mercy, they took me out of that particular organization, even though I was a senior among all my coworkers. And when they took me away from that particular organization, I and my wife and children filled with sorrows, pains, agonies and tears; day and night we wept and asked GOD saying, LORD what can we do ? How can we survive in this Vellore city? What will be our future? What will be the future of our children? Our heart was broken and even my old parents those who are living in Odisha State filled with sorrows and pains after heard the news about us. But praise be to GOD our Almighty Father who had wonderful plan for us. The LORD said through divine vision to my wife saying, no need to be worried! Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Therefore, do not worry, saying, what shall we eat? Or What shall we drink? Or What shall we wear? But seek first the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. And GOD said, now start your own ministry as GOD’S FAMILY and serve the broken-hearted SICK PEOPLE AND FAMILIES. So, according to the plan at the appointed time of the Almighty LORD; the Holy Spirit said saying, now your time has come, do your own ministry GODS’ FAMILY. Therefore, after heard the word “GODS’ FAMILY” by the Holy Spirit in divine vision, this year (2016) I registered GODS’ FAMILY religious Trust at Vellore City. When I started our GOD’S FAMILY Ministry, I had no any single rupee in my hands; yet through daily prayer and fasting in faith I laid the foundation of GOD’S FAMILY. And miraculously some North East Families those who have received divine healing through our prayers and fasting supported to establish GOD’S FAMILY.

But till now by trusting in GOD through daily prayers and fasting shedding countless tears slowly slowly I have been doing the ministry works along with MY FOUR CHILDREN AND WIFE. Every day I and my wife and little children visit all around CMC HOSPITAL area and meet many SICK PEOPLE AND FAMILIES personally, praying and sharing the love of Christ. And now some spiritual and mission minded people (12 people ) came forward to joined with us to do the ministry freely. Each and every day I and my wife and children as well as our co-workers (12 people ) we do fasting prayers one by one periodically for the SICK PEOPLE and for the FAMILIES OF THE WORLD. And Till now everyday our co-workers sacrifice their life for GOD in precious prayers and fasting without any single rupees support. Because till now I do not have any regular support/fund from anywhere even for my own family; so that is the reason I am unable to give any single rupee wages to my co-workers. But by the grace of GOD sometimes some spiritual families give us some love offering and through that little offering the LORD is enabling us to survive and to do the ministry works. THIS IS OUR TRUTH, like these manners, only by the blessings of GOD we do the ministry among the sick people by visiting different lodging, guest house and praying for the broken-hearted SICK PEOPLE AND FAMILIES. And most of the times we bring sick people into our FELLOWSHIP and pray in fasting with the anointing spirit, and we give prayed oil in free of cost. For freely we serve the broken-hearted sick people as we have received the grace, love, mercy, gifts of the Holy Spirit freely from our loving GOD. We pray with real burden, fasting and anointing and the Almighty GOD heals the broken-hearted SICK PEOPLE AND FAMILIES. WE PRAY BUT GOD HEALS ! Dear friend please share my living testimony to your friends and relative for the glory of GOD. I believe that it may be comforted to many in the midst of their afflictions.

With Kind Regards !
Yours In His Glorious Kingdom
Pranaya Ranjan Pani (Minister of Living God) Native of Odisha State, India, living at Vellore, Tamilnadu State


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