You might have known that the CMC HOSPITAL, Vellore City, Tamilnadu State of INDIA the biggest, prominent and most popular Hospital in Asia and World ? For every day there are more than TEN THOUSANDS ( Every year more than THREE MILLIONS SIX HUNDRED THOUSANDS) Broken Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES from various part of India and abroad come to CMC Hospital Vellore for treatment? Most of the Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES come with critical situation. Even most of them sell their properties, home, land; and some of them take loan from others and come to CMC Hospital and stay in Vellore City several weeks and months under the treatment to save their life from various kinds of chronic diseases. Countless people live with hopeless and helpless condition in all around CMC Hospital and Vellore city due to their miserable condition. No one is there to understand the pains, agonies, difficulties and pathetic situations of the Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES those who come from several miles and various parts of the World to CMC HOSPITAL VELLORE for treatment.
The Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES come to CMC HOSPITAL VELLORE from thousands of miles by living their children and families at their native place. Many of them come with little amount and during the treatment when money gets over, they suffer lot and lot to get medicines, food, and shelter etc. Millions of Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES living all around CMC Hospital Vellore and crying out to the LORD to have divine comfort and deliverance from their diseases and afflictions, but no one is there to meet them personally with real love, care and compassion of Lord Christ. No one is there to visit such Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES in personally to comfort them through the through the Life-Changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Every day thousands of souls are coming to CMC Hospital and thousands of souls returning back to their native place after getting over their treatment; but it is very sad thing is that unfortunately no any missionary, pastor, preacher or Christian believer are mindful for such unsaved souls those who are going back without having spiritual healing, deliverance and light of salvation. There are many churches and even thousands of missionaries, pastors, preachers living in Vellore City but sincerely and with real burden, prayer and fasting nobody mindful and care about the unsaved and perishing souls of CMC HOSPITAL Vellore those who are coming and going back without knowing the message of the salvation. But praise God that there are only few servants of God like GOD’S FAMILY Day and night with prayer and fasting preach the Gospel among the unsaved souls.
Such Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES needs and expects someone to visit them personally to comfort them with real love, care and compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ. People are living in deep darkness and like sheep without having shepherd; so, the unsaved and perishing SOULS of the Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES require deliverance from physical and spiritual bondages of the Devil. They need physical, mental and spiritual healing and deliverance from the sickness, weakness and darkness situation. Often such Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE AND FAMILIES feels lonely, helpless and hopeless due to their critical situation. Day and night they wait for God’s divine grace, mercy, healing, and complete deliverance. People need a Saviour, but unfortunately without knowing the True Saviour, True God and Living God people roaming here and there in the darkness world.
This is the main reason the ALMIGHTY GOD called, chosen and anointed to Pastor P. R. Pani and Sister Christina out of a small village of ODISHA STATE of INDIA to serve the Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES of India and abroad those who are living with pains and agonies in all around CMC Hospital Vellore. The Almighty LORD has given Mission, Vision and divine responsibility as well as great burden to Pastor P. R. Pani and Sister Christina in order to serve the Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES of the WORLD those who are suffering with various kinds of Sickness, Weakness, infirmities, Pains and agonies. The precious souls of such Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES need not only physically healing, but they need Deliverance from the Darkness World and they need Salvation of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, we would like to request you, kindly pray for this noble service and join with GOD’S FAMILY Ministry as a prayer partner and supporter. Dear beloved Families of the Living God come let us pray, help and support the Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES those who need Healing and Deliverance. Yours Love, Encouragement and Support will be great blessing to the thousands of Broken-Hearted SICK PEOPLE and FAMILIES. We are eagerly waiting for your positive response.
Dear Friends, we believe and hope that you know and understand the pains and suffering of the SICK PEOPLE those who are coming to CMC Hospital Vellore and especially those who are living in various places. If you like to support GOD’S FAMILIY MINISTRY kindly extend your love and encouragement through your loving Family.
Powerful Prayer Support, Spiritual Counselling, Spiritual Guidance, Baby Blessing, Healing, Anointing, Deliverance, Prophecy, Miracle, Divine Peace and Heavenly Blessings …..